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Living In Faith Together : Intergenerational Sunday School 

The 4th Sunday at 10:30 a.m. following Sunday Service and a short fellowship. (ALL AGES)

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Vacation Bible School 


Every Summer we offer Inter-generational Vacation Bible School with our Siblings in Christ at Crossroads Methodist Church.  For more information contact the church office. 

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College Age Ministry 

Also known as "College Church Thingy" 

Youth Group


SOV Youth partner with American Lutheran Church Youth to create fellowship and fun. Find out more here.

Book Club

Generally meets on the first Thursday in the afternoon of each month. The book selections are chosen by those who attend and can include fiction and non-fiction. Please check the newsletter for more details. 

The Bible Year 

A Journey Through Scripture in 365 Days. The Bible Year is a daily scripture and Devotional and then we gather at the end of each month to discuss what we have read, to ask questions and grow together in God's word. 

Ladies Breakfast


The women of SOV meet for food, fellowship, and fun each Thursday morning at 8:30am at Denny's in Clifton.

Men's Breakfast


The men of SOV will meet for breakfast on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the month at 6:45am at Denny's on Horizon Drive.  

Congregational Life 

Throughout the year, Shepherd of the Valley Church creates a wide and varied offering of activiites, worship opportunities, special events. We worship, work, play & study together in many different settings, both formal and informal. These are only some of the activities and recurring events:

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Potluck Dinner & Movie


Monthly on a Friday evening at 6 pm. Bring a dish to share and your favorite non-alcoholic beverage. For more information, please check our newsletter or calendar.

Family Game Night


Monthly on a Friday evening at 7 pm. Bring a snack to share, a favorite non-alcoholic beverage and your best games. Please check our calendar.  

Holy Yoga


Holy Yoga is an experiential worship created to deepen people's connection to Christ through the modality of yoga. This is open to all ages (and we mean all ages) and all levels (even if you have never done yoga or feel you aren’t flexible, you are welcome). Please check our calendar.

Theology on Tap


Theology on Tap is inspired by the famous table talks of Martin Luther. This is a time to gather around good company and beverages and have conversations about faith, life, God and how they all interact. Please check our calendar.

Rejoicing Spirits Worship 


Special worship service for the clients and caregivers of Mosaic and our church family. This service is short and contemporary with no “shushing” allowed. Refreshments served in the fellowship hall following the service. Services are held on the first Tuesdays at 10:30am and the last Thursdays at 3pm. 

Lay Communion


If you or someone you know would like to receive Lay Communion, please contact the church office at 434-3119, and we will schedule a time for one of our Lay Communion Ministers to visit. 


Our choir sings for Sunday morning worship and for special occasions. The choirs' musical leadership gives voice to our shared faith, and supports the congregation's experience of singing in worship. The choir meets for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. All are welcome to participate.



Our church community is guided by the work of several Commissions. The
Commissions are made up of volunteers of our congregation as well as staff members.
Below is a list of the current commissions.
If you are interested in serving on any of the commissions listed below, please contact
the Church Office Administrator, at or at 970-433-3119 to be
connected to the Commission Chairperson

Our church community is guided by the work of several Commissions. The
Commissions are made up of volunteers of our congregation as well as staff members.
Below is a list of the current commissions.

If you are interested in serving on any of the commissions listed below, please contact
the Church Office Administrator, at or at 970-433-3119 to be
connected to the Commission Chairperson




Education Commission

The Education Commission is responsible for all areas of education within the congregation including adult, youth, men’s and women’s Bible studies, Sunday school, nursery, and all other educational possibilities. This commission also oversee the Confirmation and the youth programs of the congregation.


Outreach Commission

The Outreach Commission is responsible for following Christ’s command from Matthew 28 to reach out to all people.  It coordinates all programs of evangelism, community involvement, benevolence, and fellowship.  It has the responsibility for greeters and maintaining a list of all visitors. This commission coordinates publicity for the congregation.


Property Commission

The Property commission is responsible for proper maintenance and upkeep of all church property, buildings, and grounds. This commission is involved in the planning of any proposed expansions of the building and grounds.


Stewardship Commission

The Stewardship commission is responsible for securing the commitment of all members’ time, talents, and treasures.  It works closely with the treasurer of the congregation in the area of record keeping as well as the needs for budgeting.  This commission welcomes and coordinates with our new members.  


Worship Commission

This commission shall coordinate all areas of the worship life including music, worship assistance, communion, baptism preparation, choirs, and ushers, and shall work with the pastor to plan the services of the congregation. This commission is responsible the seeing that worship continues in the absence of the pastor.  They are responsible for all worship vessels, paraments, banners as well as the overall appearance and religious expression within the sanctuary.



Additional commissions are formed as needed, in order to fulfill specific tasks.



Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church is also guided by a Church Council which has general oversight of the life and activities, ensuring that they are done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


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