Shepherd of the Valley
Lutheran Church

The Lord is my shepherd . . .
SUNDAY Worship is at 9am.
You can join us on Facebook Live or you can join us for in-person Worship at our building.!
Stay safe and God Bless!
Weddings & Special Events
A wedding is one of the most important and special times in a person's life. It celebrates the joining of two lives and is a declaration to the world of a couple's love for and commitment to one another. Weddings are joyful times spent celebrating with family and friends, but once the service is over, the party has ended, and the guests have gone home, what remains is a marriage. Marriage is God's idea, designed by Him to support community through the commitment of a man and a woman to build a home and family together.
Our primary goal is to prepare a couple for marriage and to help them begin that marriage with a wonderful celebration of God's love and plan for their lives. Our staff is available to help coordinate and facilitate the wedding event so that it goes as smoothly as possible.
Our fellowship hall is available for receptions and special events. Please contact the church office to learn more about renting the fellowship hall.
Please view or download the Weddings Brochure here.....
In the sacrament of Holy Baptism we celebrate our inclusion into the family of God. At Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church we place a lot of importance on this special event. Please contact the pastor about for information about scheduling a baptism.
The death of a loved one is a time of sorrow, mixed emotions and crisis. The funeral or memorial service is first and foremost a time of worship, and a celebration of the hope that is ours as believers in Christ. We are committed to supporting the brokenhearted and providing comfort to those who grieve during these times. Please contact the pastor's office to talk about arranging a memorial service.